Our story

Helping everyone to be part of the adventure!

We are a small family business nestled in the Mountain biking hub of northern Tasmania. As our little Arlo was so stoked by riding up front with mum and dad, with his infectious laughter and smiles, Ride Small started to come to life.

We started looking for bike related clothing for Arlo. Much to our disappointment there were very few options for ages under 6 when it came to something unique just for the little ones.

We wanted something rad, something a little bit funny to wear over your tummy, Something you could wear down the trail that might involve a tail. Something so cool it might make you drool. Something fun, worthy of sticking up a second thumb! Something you could wear to make you scream yeaaaaaa!

We are extremely passionate about our incredible island state of Tasmania, so we picked some of our favourite Tassie animals and MTB artists to bring our crazy critters to life on something the smalls could wear on or off the bike. With Mountain biking constantly becoming more inclusive and accessible to all ages and sizes than ever, we want the smalls in our lives to be a part of the adventures & laughs shared on and off the bike alike. What better way to do that than with your favourite Tasmanian critter; on a bike of course ;).

We are constantly working on new designs and options for the small riders in our lives, no matter what age, level of ability or size we know the positive impact being outdoors on an adventure that the bike brings to everyone.

So why not live a bit large and Ride Small with us.

Jasper, Kara and Arlo